2007/05/19 3:41AM Bush - Machinehead
breathe in breathe out
tied to a wheel fingers got to feel
i spin on a whim i slide to the right
i felt you like electric light
for our love
for our fear
for our rise against the years and years and years
got a machinehead better than the rest
green to red machinehead
and i walk from my machine
i walk from my machine
deaf dumb and thirty
starting to deserve this
leaning on my conscience wall
blood is like wine
unconscious all the time
if i had it all again
i'd change it all
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush">More about Bush</a>
This Song has been played 37 time(s)
This Artist has been played 91 time(s)
Statistics have been collected since 2006/12/23 23:53:39