Songs, and the lyrics, as they are played on the edge 102.1

We Have moved check out

2007/04/25 11:29PM Hunter Valentine - Staten Island Dream Tour

Turn around to watch all the same
You know (you're) simply a game
I see you've messed up your laughing head
I'll take you again and again

When you wake you're still in a dream
Not real though I love you unclean
I'm telling you you're a sick mind
You come back so fine, so fine

Know your smile is colder than ice
That will back you up real nice
But killing's hardly a weapon for you
Your wasted space is mine to

<a href="">More about Hunter Valentine</a>
This Song has been played 1 time(s)
This Artist has been played 2 time(s)
Statistics have been collected since 2006/12/23 23:53:39