Songs, and the lyrics, as they are played on the edge 102.1

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2007/04/13 10:47PM Kittie - Brackish

She is not scared to die
Best things in life drive her to cry
Crucify then learn
{Take so much away from inside you
Makes no sense
You know he can't guide you
He's your fuckin shoulder to lean on
Be strong}
Sit & watch me burn
{Take so much away from inside you
Makes no sense
You know he can't guide you
He's your fuckin shoulder to lean on
Be strong}
She's taught to believe
That it be ok
Look at your face
Scarred in dismay
Now times have changed
And so have you
I think i'd rather crucify than learn
I'd like to take you down
And show you deep inside my life
My inner working
To smell & lack of inner pride
To touch upon the surface is not for what it seems
I take away my problems
But only in my dreams
{Take so much away from inside you
Makes no sense
You know he can't guide you
He's your fuckin shoulder to lean on
Be strong}

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This Song has been played 1 time(s)
This Artist has been played 1 time(s)
Statistics have been collected since 2006/12/23 23:53:39