2007/04/11 11:51PM Flashlight Brown - Patricia
[Verse 1]
Staying in, fading fast
Call some friends, have a laugh
About the things we used to
Think were coming
Story same, nothing fits
Get in late, call it quits
Just as my paranoia
Comes to feed me
[Chorus 1]
I'm a human, just like you
Full of doubt, without a clue
Trying to find a way
To make it better
Get a call from the girl
She's in town, but I'm a bore
So it won't make a difference
Call me next time
Lazy days, empty nights
I'm alone, but that's alright
I'm taking over this world
On my own time
[Repeat Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2]
I'm a curse and so are you
Not so rich and no too smooth
Help me find a way
To make it better
Staying in, going mad
Made a choice, won't look back
It's just another day and
I'm still breathing
[Repeat Chorus 1]
[Repeat Chorus 2]
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This Song has been played 2 time(s)
This Artist has been played 8 time(s)
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