Songs, and the lyrics, as they are played on the edge 102.1

We Have moved check out

2007/03/23 1:20AM Bob Sinclar - Tennessee

The beat goes on
Nothing's wrong
With the song
We can singing forever
Hey! look at me
I'm the one
Got to make the connection.

The beat goes on
Move with a turn
It's a natural progression
Come once again
Feel the past
Share the love
Want to won
We can't know
Share the love
With that feel
The way you's clip
Because we know that the beat goes on

The beat goes on
Nothing's wrong
With the song
We can singing forever
Love !
Lost and founded
That the beat
Goes on anything later
Now is the time
To be late
Take some positive action
Eh look at me
I'm the one
Got to make the connection


This Song has been played 1 time(s)
This Artist has been played 1 time(s)
Statistics have been collected since 2006/12/23 23:53:39