2007/01/03 12:49PM Odds - Eat My Brain
My droopy-eyed Madonna
A triple fire alarm
All the other rogues & darlings
Get sent to the farm
I don't need to deceive you
'Cause I feel no pain
Maybe I should let you
Come on & eat my brain
There's an art to perception
So see it as you will
Can you adjust my reception?
Just give me the latest pill
I don't need to deceive you
'Cause I feel no pain
Maybe I should let you
Come on & eat my brain
I know you tried to forget me
Well today is remembrance day
So if you're willing then let me
It's time to make your play
I don't need to deceive you
'Cause I feel no pain
Maybe I should let you
Come on & eat my brain
This Song has been played 1 time(s)
This Artist has been played 1 time(s)
Statistics have been collected since 2006/12/23 23:53:39